Windows Powershell V3 includes command like wget/curl

The Windows Management Framework 3.0 – Community Technology Preview (CTP) has been released by Microsoft and with it comes Powershell V3.

Included on this release of powershell comes a command I’ve personally been missing for ages. A command to get or just test a given URL address. The is called:

A simple example of the command usage would be the get this blog’s home page into a single text file:

Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile c:\temp\blog.txt

Another example, more complex, would be to get this blogs RSS feed and parse it:

([xml](Invoke-WebRequest | Select Title, Link

To download the Windows Management Framework 3.0 CTP 1 visit this address from Microsoft.

Happy programming 🙂

3 thoughts on “Windows Powershell V3 includes command like wget/curl

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